Monday, September 30, 2019

Assignment Unit 303 Support Learning Activities Essay

Mrs S the class teacher, the children and I sat on the carpet and Mrs S asked the children to identify different value coins by sight. I was then asked by Mrs S to help year 1 yellow table with counting coins and recognising the value of money. Mrs C gave each table various amounts of 1 pence, 2 pence, 5 pence and 10 pence coins. I asked all of my table to sit down properly. One child was kneeling on her chair so I explained that she needed to sit down so that she didn’t slip and so that everybody could see. The children initially kept grabbing at the money so I stated that they would all get a turn individually and to leave the coins alone for the moment. Each child was then asked in turn from left to right to work out how many 1 pence pieces were in 2 pence, 5 pence and 10 pence. I referred to the number line on the wall opposite to demonstrate adding and counting. I recognised that one of the children on my table was very quiet and timid, he was reluctant to join in at first as a lot of the other children were talking over him. I asked the table to be quiet so that he could concentrate. I then asked him to count all the 1 pence pieces on the table, he responded well and showed good counting skills, after he had finished I asked if he fully understood all of the task and he replied with a smile. I then worked with the table as a group and we discussed what sort of job involved counting money. Some of the table gave good examples such as working in a shop or bank. A couple of the children appeared to have a greater knowledge of money and addition so whilst the rest of the table continued to discuss money I asked the remaining two to work out bigger sums i.e: how many 1 pence pieces were in two 10 pence pieces and how many 2 pence pieces made up 10 pence.  Also how many 5 pence pieces were in 20 pence. I monitored their ability to count up in twos and fives they both answered quickly and correctly and seemed to enjoy the task. We then counted the coins again individually, as the children were responding I praised each one stating â€Å"well done†. Unfortunately one child didn’t get a turn at the final task because we had run out of time. I asked her if she understood all that we had done and she replied â€Å"yes† Mrs S said it was nearly break time so I asked all of the children to listen to me and tidy away quickly and quietly and explained that if they did this our table would be rewarded with a trophy. Mrs S tied a yellow ribbon around the trophy and awarded our table with it. The children were elated. She then asked me how each child had responded. I explained that they all fully understood the task in hand and although one child did not get time for the final task, she did fully understand. I explained to Mrs S that two of the children I monitored showed a better understanding of Mathematics and money so I decided to progress further with them to maintain their interest and not distract the others. The table all enjoyed the discussion which was carried out without the need to shout out or jump about on their seats. For future reference I will pay close attention to the time required to complete the task to ensure that each child gets the same amount of turns.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Review of Blue Lagoon Essay

The Blue Lagoon Explores the Garden of Eden The Blue Lagoon is often ridculed as a fluff piece of adolescent nudity. However I believe The Blue Lagoon raises interesting questions about human sexuality. How did we discover sex, and what about our sexuality is innate? The movie presents the case of an innocent boy and girl from the Victorian Age, shipwrecked on a beautiful tropical island. They are soon without any adult guidance whatsover. As children, the two are inseparable, but the movie presents a plausible change in their relationship as they start to go through the changes of puberty. They don’t understand the physical changes that are happening to their bodies. And they start to become distant and secretive and angry with each other and they don’t quite understand why. What they don’t realize is that these changes are part of the process of moving apart and developing a separate sexual indentity from each other. Only after we see the steps of this transformation to sexual maturity completed do we see they are ready to discover human’s oldest instinct in each other, which comes naturally to them in time. They then go on to discover the mysteries of parenthood and the psychological changes that come with that. Other themes such as religion and law are explored as well. What keeps this movie watchable is the beauty of the actors and the beauty of the island. The scenes on the lush tropical island and the bright blue ocean are beautifully shot and dreamlike. The natural beauty evokes a Garden of Eden. And this movie seems to try and explore the relationship that might have existed between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, learning about love, sex, and children all on their own. And I think the movie gives it a pretty good shot. The Blue Lagoon is much deeper than people give it credit for.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discrete Population Growth Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Discrete Population Growth - Lab Report Example y, during a period of an extremely populous generation resources are brought to scarcity and life and reproduction are made harder for individuals, leading to a decline in population numbers. These ideas are well reflected by modeling the situation with a function assuming low values on both ends of the range of argument, and high values in and around its center. The equation below is a simple example of this kind of model, using a variable parameter k to account for variable reproductive strength of different species and/or a given species in different environments. The equation predicts the size of (n+1)-th population pn+1 as a quantity considered dependent only on the size of n-th population pn: Using the program Grapher by R. Decker, the first 100 terms of the sequence generated by equation [1] were generated and plotted for several initial situations characterized by different combinations of p0 and k. Graphs in Figures 1 to 4 show four situations combining the values of 0.5 and 0.8 for p0 and 1.5 and 2.5 for k. The graphs make clear the sequence converges rather quickly under these conditions. The limit values are 0.33 for k = 1.5 and 0.6 for k = 2.5, regardless of p0. This behaviour is seen for k values between 1 and 3. The graph in Figure 5 is different in that there are two values between which the population numbers keep alternating. The graph has been produced for values k = 3.2, p0 = 0.5. Experimenting with the program proved such behaviour is characteristic for values of k between 3.0 and 3.4 (see also Figure 6). For values of k exceeding 3.4, the lines observed in Figure 5 become increasingly split or blurred (see Figures 7 and 8) until k = 3.6, where the alternating course of the sequence gives way to chaotic behaviour (see Figures 9, 10, 11 and 12). In this range, changing the value of k by only 0.001 has profound impact on the sequence terms (compare Figures 9 and 10, and Figures 11 and 12). Figure 12, produced for k = 4.0, reveals an

Friday, September 27, 2019

The purpose of this assignment will be to explore how a Family Nurse Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment will be to explore how a Family Nurse Practitioner can influence their local communities, within their chosen roles, to achieve a - Research Paper Example ue the fact that many individuals in society are discriminated due to the fact that they have various forms of disabilities (Institute of Medicine 2011). These individuals in the community are hidden away from others because they are considered a shame and therefore are not accorded the necessary health care they require. Achieving this goal of according equity and eliminating disparities is necessary not only as a way of helping those individuals with disabilities access health care but also as a way to educate the community on the importance of treating such people with justice and not discriminate against them because they are individuals just like them (McKenzie et al. 2011). In the community I come from, people with disabilities are treated like lepers in the old days. They are locked up from the moment they acquire the disability of whatever form. They are not even taken to hospitals to find out if they can get any assistance like being given prosthetics, wheelchairs or even crutches. These individuals are sometimes locked up in different houses (which are constructed like cells) because they are believed to be contagious and therefore shunned away. They are not given enough food, and sometimes none at all. The occasional food they are given is not nutritious at health and hence such individuals suffer from malnutrition and malnourishment on top of other health-related opportunistic diseases and infections like coughs. The nurse practitioner is specifically trained to provide individual health care (Rimmer and Cross 2002). This skill comes in handy in the initial stage of the â€Å"project† where they carry out assessment of the individuals with disabilities within the community and the form of disability they are facing. It is also necessary after teaching the local community (during monitoring and evaluation stage). This is because they will be able to move to those homes with such individuals and see if their treatment in relation to health has

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Diagnostic and Health Care Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diagnostic and Health Care Promotion - Essay Example The marriage as a cultural aspect in the Ethiopian community respects the decision of the family in marrying off a teenager. After a potential groom opts to get married, they have to arrange so that families can and agree. This avenue provides a window through which to drive health promotion against teenage pregnancy. To begin with, the promotion plan should focus on sensitizing the local community member in the rural areas on the adverse effects of teenage marriages and teenage pregnancy. Such campaigns would influence the opinion of the families because they are the ones to endorse marriages. Emotions play a significant role in cognition to enable people understands a situation better. Marrying off teenagers against their wish is detrimental even if the justice system supports it. Another indirect strategy is a campaign of girl child education, which indirectly lowers chances of early marriages; hence teenage pregnancy (Noddings, 2005; Santelli, Lindberg, Finer, & Singh, 2007). Eng aging the rural communities for the benefit of educating the girl child will improve the school going girls’ population. When this number increases, the early marriages will be less appealing and as such, reduce teenage pregnancies. Teenage girls should have regular health care services and counseling to help them understand reproductive health. If the health promotion campaigns target this population, they will understand the benefits of delaying sexual intercourse with adults; hence, avoid pregnancy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

See attachments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

See attachments - Essay Example actions in meddling with military affairs and his initiation of the Jewish Holocaust, would result to the defeat of Germany against the Allied forces of United States, Soviet Russian, Great Britain and France. Initially, during 1939 to 1942, Germany swiftly overran most of Western Europe. Germany succeeded for more than two years by relying on their new method of warfare called Blitzkrieg. This innovative way of waging modern war required the focused use of offensive forces against the weakest point in a battlefront. For this to be achieved, speed and coordination was needed, using combined arms that involved the use of strike aircraft, assault infantry, mechanized and armored units, and artillery support. This led to newer technologies for tanks, aircrafts, and other weapons for Germany, aside from better-trained personnel. First, German air forces would thwart enemy forces from effectively bringing supplies or prevent the deployment of reinforcements. Afterwards, the German army would penetrate enemy defenses or lines with their tank divisions, known as panzers, to break through enemy lines quickly and move around without restraint. The result of this method of attack would result in sh ock and disorientation among the enemy forces. In the German plan, it was anticipated that an enemy’s entire country would be so quickly over-run that little concern need be had for industrial and war production that was merely potential.1 Germany’s use of maneuver warfare was supposedly a quick and decisive solution to achieve a swift and total victory. As far as tactics were concerned, the Germans had better tactical application and advantages in the early years of World War II. However, it was too late when the Germans realized that their means to wage did not match their ends, and exceeded their capabilities. There was hardly anything wrong with the military strategic and tactical doctrines of the German Third Reich. The problems were in the military objectives that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

PEECLAMPSIA Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

PEECLAMPSIA - Term Paper Example The readings have to be at least above 90 for diastolic pressure and more than 140 for systolic pressure for a confirmation of the condition to be made. The HBP readings should at least be accompanied by a confirmatory test of 300 milligrams of protein in urine. As the condition gains severity other symptoms and signs may manifest, and the pressure may reach 160/100. According to evidence based practice these indications do not automatically guarantee the existence of the condition and a measure on platelets has been proposed as a more effective measure (Ekiz et al., 2011). MPV count, which is a platelet measure in predicting the occurrence of preeclampsia is an aspect under debate. This can be seen in the work of Dadeszen who said that the platelet ratio in MPV is more sensitive compared to MPV alone for predicting the adverse maternal outcome related to preeclampsia (Von Dadelszen et al., 2004, p 871-879). Dundar, on the other hand, shows that MPV increases during pregnancy, but is highly prominent during preeclampsia development (Dundar et al., 2008, p 1052-6). As such, MPV provides a good diagnosis tool for the condition. The evidence-based proposal on diagnostics thus implies that MPV is a better measure. This is also cited as a better measure of the condition’s progression-a thing that the other diagnostic measures cannot offer. The evidence-based practice using MPV as a diagnostic measure for the condition is already in clinical practice and has offered a better tool for monitoring the condition. However, it is not widely applicable globally in clinical diagnostics practice. Symptoms: Symptoms of preeclampsia could include irritability, edema, and sudden increase in weight, nausea, decreased urination, belly pain and migraine-like headache. Causes and risk factors: Preeclampsia’s causes are not clearly known, but there are various propositions that point to various probable causes, which include heredity, blood vessel problems, dietar y effects and disorders of the autoimmune system. Factors that predispose pregnant mothers to the problem include advanced age (>35 years), kidney diseases, multiple and first pregnancies as well as pre-existent conditions such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Pathogenesis: The etiology of preeclampsia and its development are inconclusive. There is some uncertainty with regard to the development and progression of the condition. However, there is potential explanation on the mechanism of preeclampsia. According to David, Laresgoiti-Servitje and Gomez-Lopez (2010), the limitation of blood flow in placenta is cited as a possible trigger for hormone-based reactions, which cause damage to endothelium that lines the vascular system as well as inflammation that characterizes the condition. Alternative explanations from other studies show that alterations in the immune system and maternal. This research-based proposition is supported by evidence, which shows that shifts occur in the immune system in terms of component cells when the condition occurs. Alterations of allorecognition of the fetus have also been cited as a potential causes of inflammation that accompanies preeclampsia (Fonseca et al., 2007). Management and Treatment: The management of preeclampsia heavily relies on a pharmacologic approach aimed at controlling blood pressure levels (Drife, Magowan & Owen, 2009). This is the current common evidence-based clinical practice that is often put to use in the control of preeclampsia. The aim is to keep high

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Arab-Israeli Conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Arab-Israeli Conflict - Research Paper Example More so, Arab nationalism emerged due to the shared language, Islamic religion, as well as the history of the Middle East region and so Arab nationalist, hoped for political cooperation via the Arab League. Notably, Arab nationalism developed at the end of the eighteenth century to oppose European colonialism in the region. Arab nationalist radicals perceived Israel as their enemy not only because of their injustice against their colleagues in Palestine but also Israeli’sclose relation with the western imperialist aspirations especially concerning oil reserves towards the region.The Arab nationalism was, therefore, a significant cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict since it enabled the Arab nations to have a common enemy and this gave them strength to fight against Zionism as well as the western power. Ideally, the Arab states are supposed to join forces and remain unified towards the achievement of the common goals, opposing Israel. However, in practice, this is not always the case as their relations are more determined by conflict as opposed to cooperation. Notably, Israel is one of the leading factors contributing to the disintegration of the Arab nations and this is why all Arab states highly oppose it. Despite their differences, Arab states remain united in opposing Israel because according to them, individuals from different Arab states including those living in Palestine form one nation but Israel interfered with the sacred rights of this nation.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Cvs Annual Report Essay Example for Free

Cvs Annual Report Essay Executive Summary/Company History/Products and Services CVS/Pharmacy has shown a consistent growth for the last three years. Three years ago CVS/Pharmacy has merged with Longs Pharmacy and Caremark to form the largest retail pharmacy chain in the United States. CVS/Pharmacy- CVS/Pharmacy began operations in 1963, and added the pharmacy department in 1967. In 2007, CVS merged with Caremark Rx, Inc. Finally, in 2008, CVS bought the Longs Drug Store chain. CVS has over 7000 stores(, 2010). At the end of 9 months of 2010, the company has lost 9. 25% against 2009 net income. However, the company has increased their assets and liabilities by .1% against 2009 figures(, 2010). As the company stands now in trends, Net revenues for this 7,100-store drugstore retailer were $23.9 billion for Q3 2010, down 3.1% from $24.6 billion in the prior years period. Poor performance by the companys Pharmacy Services segment—its revenues dropped 8.5%, to $11.9 billion—was a major contributor to the companys woes. CVS Retail Pharmacy segment revenues actually increased 4.1%, with total same-store sales climbing 2.5%(Trendwatch, 2010). CVS/Pharmacy is in the process of transitioning their leadership at CEO. Tom Ryan will be stepping down at the end of the year as CEO, and Larry Merlo will be promoted to CEO. Tom Ryan has been the CEO of CVS/Pharmacy Inc. since 1994, and it has been the consistency at the top that has lead to the expansion of CVS/Pharmacy as being largest retail pharmacy chain in the United States. Now that Toms tenure is coming to a close, a new dawn is  occurring for the corporation with Larry Merlo taking the helm. Competitor Analysis In the retail pharmacy industry, there are only three pure pharmacy firms: CVS/Pharmacy, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid. Pure pharmacy firms are pharmacy retailers whose business is built around the pharmacy. Wal-Mart, Kroger, and local grocery stores have pharmacies as an extension of their business plan, but it is not the focus of their company. CVS/Pharmacy and Walgreens have been battling over the top position for years, and Rite-Aid has been ranked at a steady third in the market place. Walgreens- Walgreens is CVS/Pharmacys chief competitor. Founded in 1901, Walgreens is considerably older. Unlike CVS/Pharmacy, Walgreens began with the pharmacy department. With 6000 stores, Walgreens is smaller than CVS. In 2010, Walgreens has increased sales against last year by 6.4%, and net earnings by 4.2%(, 2010). Moreover, they have posted 36 straight years of sales gains, and 35 straight years of dividend payments(, 2010). Finally, Walgreens has posted net earnings for 5 consecutive years. Despite Walgreens smaller size, it has a bigger market share at 31.2% compared to CVS/Pharmacys 25%(, 2010). The last 10 years has been the first decade that a Walgreens family member was not at the helm of the Walgreens Pharmacy chain. Charles Walgreens retired from the CEO position in 1998, but stayed on a member of the board of directors. Mr. Walgreens will officially retire for the company this year. Gregory D. Wasson is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Wasson has worked with Walgreens for 31 years. In conclusion, Walgreens CVS/Pharmacy are the giants in retail pharmacy. Their strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures have brought them to a virtual dead heat. The purpose of this research is analyze the financial strength of both to determine which is in the best financial health. Common Size Statements We will first compare CVS/Pharmacy and Walgreens through common size financial statements. Commons size financial statements allow for comparisons to be made between companies of different sizes and volumes in order to see the true performance. CVS/Pharmacy has over 7000 stores, and Walgreens Pharmacy only has 6000 stores. The difference in size will have an  impact on expense, revenue, and income. Every company plans to get the most out of every dollar spent. Consequently, we will be comparing the their financial performance from 2007-2009. From the beginning, Walgreens has yielded a better gross profit by an average of 8% over CVS/Pharmacy. Gross profit is the amount left over after cost of goods sold is taken from revenue. Although, both have been steady with their percentage gross profit, CVS/Pharmacy 21% Walgreens 28%, Walgreens has gained more. However, Walgreens celebration is short lived because the balance statement is more than gross profit. In fact the 8% edge in gross profit they gave back in operating expenses. Walgreens operating expenses took, on average, 22.5% away from their total revenue. CVS/Pharmacy operating expenses took only 14.5% away from their total revenue. Moreover, other indicators of return on investment to the company are higher for CVS/Pharmacy than Walgreens. CVS/Pharmacy has had a higher operating income than Walgreens since 2007. For the last two years CVS/Pharmacy has posted higher income before taxes than Walgreens. Finally, the biggest trend difference between the two firms is that CVS/Pharmacys net income has increased three years in a row, while Walgreens net income has steadily decreased three years in a row. As a company, CVS/Pharmacy received a 20% gross profit margin. The next biggest payment went to operating expenses at 14.12%. After the expenses, income before taxes and operating profit account for 13% and net income accounts for nearly 4%. In 2009 alone, Walgreens gross profit and operating expenses nearly cancel each other out. There is only a 4% variance between gross profit and operating expenses for Walgreens. Operating profit and income before taxes accounts for only 10% of the revenue, while Walgreens net income accounts for barely over 3%. On the key financial statements, Walgreens performance has been diminishing over the last three years, and CVS/Pharmacys performance has risen. The reason behind the growing strength of CVS/Pharmacy has been the general, consistent financial growth. This will be illustrated by the financial ratios. Liquidity is the firms ability to meet its current obligations(Marshall, McManus, Vielle, 2010). Working capital is the excess of a firms current assets over its current liabilities(2010). In this case, Walgreens has higher working capital than CVS/Pharmacy. On other tests of liquidity,  Walgreens out performs CVS/Pharmacy. Walgreens has a higher current ratio, acid test ratio, and they turn over their assets 8 more times a year than CVS/Pharmacy. Although Walgreens has yielded their lowest net income in three years, they have a high comparable liquidity. Moreover, the higher net income for CVS/Pharmacy has not translated into higher liquidity. However, the increased in income has translated into a higher inventory turnover for CVS/Pharmacy. Conclusion The findings of this paper are illustrating the transition in the marketplace between CVS/Pharmacy and Walgreens. For the last 20 years, these retail pharmacy firms have battled for supremacy in the industry. Over the last decade, CVS/Pharmacy has had one Chief Executive Officer, Tom Ryan. However, since Tom Ryan took over in 1999, Walgreens has had 3 CEO changes. The result of inconsistency in their leadership has translated to a lower return on investment. Walgreens has higher liquidity, but they have shown three years of decreasing net income. As a result, they are getting weaker as an organization. However, CVS/Pharmacy has shown consistent growth over the last three years. Their increasing strength has been represented by their purchases of Longs Pharmacy and Caremark. It is my conclusion that this trend will continue

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Essay Example for Free

Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Essay In October 24, 1999, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers or ICANN approved the implementation of a legitimate policy that addresses the relationship between registrars of domain names where individuals may register domain names, and the clients who register themselves for a domain name under the registrars. The registrars or endorsers of domain names include domain names ending in . com, . org. , . edu, . net, etc. Registrars also include those who operate under â€Å"country-code top-level† types of domains. The â€Å"country-code top-level† types of domains include domain names ending in . au, . nu, . tv, etc. The purpose of ICANN’s espousal of the policy on Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution is to set up permissible rules and guidelines that shall be embodied in a contract or settlement, called the Registration Agreement, concerning the registered client to a domain name and other parties. The policy also ensures that clients who register under a domain name shall be accountable to the declarations agreed upon between the registrar and the client, as embodied within the Registration Agreement. Therefore, the act of registering under a domain name does not end with the registration itself. Clients who own domain names should be knowledgeable about the laws and regulations that are embodied in the Registration Agreement and implement them as long as the said domain name exists. When a client registers or renews a domain under the registrars of a domain name, he certifies the correctness and preciseness of the declarations written in the contract and settlement, that the client’s registration for a domain name under the registrar does not contravene with the rights of other factions, that the domain name under which the client is registered shall not be used for illegitimate functions, and shall not go against the recognized rules and guidelines for the use of the domain. These are the rules, which clients should be informed about upon registration. Moreover, unlawful functions that the registered domain name commits should be the responsibility of the client to detect or identify. Perhaps, examples of these unlawful functions or violations include those that violate copyrights or right of ownership, or those sites that promote the same themes or ideas as that with other registered domain names or, etc. It is the responsibility of the client to monitor subscribers or online users of the particular domain in order to determine if the domain name is being used unlawfully. For instance, subscribers of a domain name registered to a client, should also be warned and informed of legal clauses that fulfill their use or subscription under the domain name. At the same time, the client himself should be able to stray away from utilizing the domain name that offends other concerned parties. The registrar for domain names reserves the right to revoke or modify registration of clients under circumstances wherein the client informs the registrar to discontinue his registration under the particular domain name, a law-implementing body or a directorial panel informs the registrar to discontinue the registration of a client under the particular domain name, and with regards to the Registration Agreement, such as the expiration of the registration, domain names subject to renewal, etc. If the domain name registered under a client is found out to be operating illegally and implementing directives that are against the settlement, the client should be able to provide a mandatory administrative proceeding. This particular proceeding shall be handled by a body of service providers, which are in charge of the resolution of administrative disputes or arguments. The client shall be subject to provide a mandatory administrative proceeding under several reasons, such as the domain name be linked to another copyrighted trademark. Overall, this particular policy protects the rights of owners of trademarks or marks that are related to service. In order to resolve the dispute between the client who registered under a domain name and the owner of a copyrighted trademark, revocation of registration of the relocation of the domain name to the owner of a copyrighted trademark who espoused the complaint shall be implemented. Works Cited ICANN. â€Å"Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. † 15 Feb. 2002. Retrieved from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers 16 Apr. 2008 http://www. icann. org/udrp/udrp-policy-24oct99. htm.