Friday, March 20, 2020

Terrorism and Countries Essays

Terrorism and Countries Essays Terrorism and Countries Essay Terrorism and Countries Essay Today my topic Is going to be on Terrorism? Terrorism is defined as political violence In an asymmetrical conflict that Is designed to Induce terror and psychic fear through the violent visualization and destruction of noncombatant targets. With terrorism comes; violence, war, discrimination, and safety of international security. Today the country is alert of all types of situations involving terrorism. The world needs to know that stepping out of their front door isnt going to be their last day without a bomb mysteriously landing in their front or backyard. International security Is necessary because we as a whole should be secure of traveling across the world without a terrorist scare. Violence Is a key factor In terrorism because once a target Is set, the intent is to harm severely. We have the right to protect our land. Children are being raised under their parents roof so violence Is necessary if terrorism every reached our soil. We discriminate a lot because of terrorism. Once a certain nationality induces terrorism, the world remembers them. For instance, Arabians are seriously criticized because of the 911 attack. The country Is sort of afraid of these guys because thieve not to be trusted, Were often stereotypical of this nationality, man and woman because the whole world knows exactly what theyre capable of. War Is a big concern in terrorism especially for the united States because our government is very strict of our land. Our government issues war because they arent afraid to let the citizens or other countries know that were not afraid of combat and will protect our land. Terrorism should result to war, especially if its on the United States soil. International security Is a must have because if not, cowardly acts will always be committed. The U. S shouldnt have to stress ourselves over hijacked planes, or marathon bombing. Specific Issues Next, are issues pertaining to this topic are to be taken very seriously. You have political terrorism, limited political terrorism, official or state terrorism, and a civil disorder. Political terrorism is basically criminal behavior, which enforces fear on communities for political purposes. Limited political terrorism is more detrimental Han Just political terrorism because the targets are exact and the threat is fiercer. The alma Is to strictly takeover a state when this type of Issue occurs. Official or state terrorism is beyond concern because, the government issues the attacks. This act of terrorism is mainly used by a foreign country other than the united States. The government Is very power and when this issue occurs, every country gets looked at and all of them become skeptical of the acts. Civil disorder is very different. This is really a scare tactic to me. Most reason a civil disorder occurs is because, an ally may not agree on the terms of a peace treaty. Their objective is to bring fear to security and basically let their enemy know that theyre not safe and something has to be done for us to agree. Most countries believe this act of terrorism is more potent because everyone reacts to it differently. Everyone questions this type of terrorism. This is an issue that makes the world uneasy. Single issue terrorism is committed act that enforces peace. Some countries are certain that they can invade anothers land ND theyll give in and call a truce. Ender any condition should this be a result. This Is and destruction on the opposed enemies. Most wars are bought into effect because the above issues occur. When these things happen most countries respond out of anger and fear. They look at these issues as a serious threat towards their well-being. 5 ways to deal with the issue Dealing with terrorism isnt easy. Coming up with five ways to deal with terrorism isnt easier. Five common ways that I feel like will resolve or help terrorism are immunization, revenue, violence, religion, and negotiation. Often communicating with the enemy helps because theyll realize that youre concerned, and sincere about the issue. When it comes to terrorism sometimes a simple talk can help the problem. Revenue is mostly a number one resolution to terrorism. I believe money will solve this issue because, the united states are in debt with a few countries and most issues occur because of revenue. Revenue isnt always likely to help but, its a start. We as a people are mainly provoked and harassed because of revenue problems. Violence is another way to deal with terrorism because, most enemies only respect violence. Sometimes you have to show the other side that threats arent taking too well, and a defense mechanism should always be active. Im not saying invade their country but if thats the result to respect than thats a beautiful initiation. Imposing proper religion also helps because nowadays most countries dont like the way we embrace their religion. We treat their standards and beliefs different from theirs and thats a lack of respect to them and sometimes terrorism can be their response. Lastly negotiation is the proper step in resolving this issue. Negotiation is very powerful because ones intent can quickly be monitored and reversed. Terrorism should be taken seriously because at round tables these issues are addressed and if not negotiated right, an under the table decision may be made and before you know it youll have enemies from all over. Every negotiator thinks and plots ahead of time so this is a tactic that should be taken advantage of especially when there are lives on the line. Conclusion My conclusion to this is simple. Whether or not youre dealing with political, limited political, official, or civil disorder terrorism isnt right. No one in the right state of mind should think of an act of destruction as an option to resolve a problem. Youre putting millions of lives at Jeopardy and most countries are undecided about decisions when it comes to terrorism. A grudge will always be held, and for years on down the line a peace treaty still wouldnt be able to ease the pain that was caused on that particular target. Being more respectful and considerate of other countries is start. Every country isnt going to like each other, every country isnt going to agree on things but, every country should keep in mind that there are innocent people that shouldnt be involved in the nonsense. No one should ever be afraid of a low flying plane or getting hijacked on a plane. No one should ever feel uncomfortable competing in a marathon race and fearing a bomb blowing up. These incidents should be kept at a minimum and being that the United States isnt strict on underestimates the other countries, actions such as these occur. I do believe in lenience but once again, violence should only be enforced to a certain extent. Terrorism is one of those extents. Families have to be protected and the government has to be able to run an organized establishment to ensure that whatever country once one mind is made up, thats it. As a people we should encourage ourselves to be more comprehensive of solutions. We all know terrorism isnt right so when is it going to stop? It starts with the government and them analyzing the options after and before terrorism. More importantly though, never underestimate or provoke the enemy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Qué es la expulsión inmediata o deportación rápida

Quà © es la expulsià ³n inmediata o deportacià ³n rpida La expulsià ³n inmediata, tambià ©n conocida como deportacià ³n exprà ©s o fast-track permite a las autoridades migratorias expulsar a un migrante de EE.UU. sin que se presente ante un juez y defienda su caso en corte. Con fecha del 22 de julio de 2019, el gobierno de EE.UU. ha autorizado a ICE a deportar siguiendo este mà ©todo a cualquier indocumentado que se encuentre en cualquier punto de Estados Unidos que no pueda demostrar que lleva ms de 2 aà ±os viviendo continuamente en el paà ­s. Esto es un cambio de lo que se venà ­a aplicando, ya que hasta este momento lo ms comà ºn era aplicar la expulsià ³n inmediata, conocida en inglà ©s como expedited removal, a los detenidos en la frontera o arrestados en los 15 dà ­as siguientes a su ingreso y en 100 millas de distancia de la frontera. Causas de  expulsià ³n inmediata o expedited removal Las situaciones en las que se puede ordenar una expulsià ³n inmediata son dos: El extranjero no tiene la documentacià ³n adecuada.  El extranjero ha tergiversado, falseado o presentado informacià ³n falsa para lograr o intentar conseguir un documento, la entrada en EEUU, u otro beneficio bajo las leyes de Inmigracià ³n. En este punto entran situaciones muy distintas, como hacerse pasar por otra persona, se tiene intencià ³n de emigrar a Estados Unidos y se obtuvo una visa de turista diciendo que sà ³lo se querà ­a pasear, etc. Si esta es la causa, las consecuencias pueden ser muy serias. Desde el punto de vista tà ©cnico, son las inadmisibilidades 212(a)(6)(c) -por informacià ³n tergiversada o falsa o lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como material misrepresentation  y la 212 (a)(7).   La expulsià ³n inmediata y dà ³nde se aplica Originalmente, la expulsià ³n inmediata sà ³lo se aplicaba en la frontera. A partir de 2004 se aplicà ³ a aquellas personas que se encuentren hasta 100 millas de cualquier frontera  y que no puedan demostrar que llevan ms de 14 dà ­as continuos en el paà ­s. A partir de estos momentos ICE tiene autorizacià ³n para deportar siguiendo este procedimiento rpido sin necesidad de pasar por Corte a todos los migrantes que no puedan demostrar dos aà ±os seguidos de presencia en EE.UU. La nueva polà ­tica aplica a lo largo y ancho del paà ­s. Aunque en principio los canadienses y los mexicanos no pueden ser expulsados inmediatamente, a menos que tengan un rà ©cord de violaciones migratorias o un historial criminal, en la prctica es muy frecuente que los mexicanos indocumentados detectados tras cruzar la frontera sean retornados  voluntariamente. Excepciones: quià ©nes no pueden ser expulsados inmediatamente en la frontera No pueden ser deportados mediante expulsià ³n inmediata; los menores  los residentes legales las personas que piden asilo y pasan una entrevista miedo de persecucià ³n creà ­ble Consecuencias de una deportacià ³n fast-track Una vez que se es expulsado, no podr regresar a EEUU por un periodo de cinco aà ±os. Adems, es posible que a ese castigo puede que se tenga que sumar el de la causa de  inadmisibilidad. Por ejemplo, si se intentà ³ ingresar con una visa falsa habr el castigo de la expulsià ³n y el de la falsedad. En casos especà ­ficos es posible pedir un perdà ³n, conocido como waiver. Pero tener en cuenta que en muchos casos tendrà ­an que pedirse dos: uno por la expulsià ³n  y otro por la causa de inadmisibilidad. En todo caso, consultar con un abogado ya que los perdones no son fciles de obtener. Otras situaciones que se pueden producir en una frontera de EEUU Ya que son frecuentes las expulsiones en la frontera a continuacià ³n se detallan otras situaciones que pueden darse en la misma: Se le dice al extranjero que se vaya. Esto sà ³lo sucede si se llega a pie o en auto. Son casos excepcionales y, en realidad, muy beneficiosos para la persona. Ejemplo, si se est casado con un ciudadano americano y se est en un proceso de ajuste de estatus  y se sale de EEUU y cuando se quiere regresar no se tiene en mano el advance parole porque se ha olvidado. En este caso la persona debe irse, buscar su documento y proceder a ingresar con toda la documentacià ³n en regla. Se da un parole. Es decir, se le deja entrar pero tiene que seguir una tramitacià ³n para poner al dà ­a la situacià ³n. Retirada de la aplicacià ³n Conocida como withdawal of application,  en inglà ©s). Aquà ­ el inspector de Inmigracià ³n autoriza al extranjero a retirar su peticià ³n de admisià ³n a los Estados Unidos. Se tendr que regresar a su paà ­s,  pero no hay expulsià ³n inmediata  (lo cual es una gran ventaja porque como se ha dicho la expulsià ³n acarrea un castigo de cinco aà ±os). En los casos de retirada de la aplicacià ³n se puede  solicitar una visa al consulado. Puede que no la apruebe, pero se sabr ms de la razà ³n y cul es el problema. (Puede ser algo tan simple como que no se puede probar satisfactoriamente que no hay intencià ³n de emigrar a Estados Unidos,trabajar sin los debidos papeles,  de tener lazos econà ³micos y familiares suficientemente fuertes en el paà ­s de residencia,  etc).   Por lo tanto, si a una persona no le dejan ingresar a EEUU lo primero que debe hacer es saber si fue expulsada o si es un caso de retirada de la aplicacià ³n.  Para ello mirar el pasaporte o/y la copia de un documento que posiblemente se ha firmado. Caso especial del Programa de exencià ³n de visa  (Visa Waiver Program, en inglà ©s) Los ciudadanos de paà ­ses en ese programa, entre los que se encuentran chilenos y espaà ±oles, pueden entrar como turistas o en visita de negocios en EEUU por un mximo de 90 dà ­as sin necesidad de pedir una visa. Si no salen del paà ­s al transcurrir los tres meses habrn violado su estatus migratorio y podrà ­an  ser deportados sin audiencia judicial y sin derecho a apelacià ³n. En otras palabras, pueden ser objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.